Church Membership

What is Church Membership?

Christ establishes His church and calls His people to be a part of His body and to joyfully participate therein. We affirm that the church, church membership, church attendance, and church involvement is a means of grace. God has graciously given us this wonderful gift, and it is a blessing of the Christian life to serve the people where God has lovingly placed them. Church membership is a means by which your new life is nurtured and nourished and fed so that you can grow and be transformed to be more like Christ.

Romans 12 gives us a beautiful example of the Christian's life in the Church:
  • Genuine love for on another
  • Seeking to show hospitality
  • Being in constant prayer
  • Serving the Lord
  • Rejoicing in our salvation

It also mentions gifts given to the body in the Church:
  • Leading with zeal
  • Teaching faithfully
  • Lifting one another up in love
  • Serving cheerfully
  • Being merciful

Membership Classes

Membership classes are 8 weeks long and take place during Sunday school hour. Our Senior Pastor will teach prospective members about the core doctrines of the Christian faith, and the importance of Church life. As a newcomer to our church, our priority is to serve you and help nurture your spirit within this community before asking anything of you. That's why membership is the gateway to all service opportunities here, whether it's volunteering in childcare, helping in our meal ministry, or serving in outreach. We invite you to commit to loving this church family, and in turn, we commit to loving you in the same way. Together, we can discover the unique gifts and opportunities God has given you to serve this body.